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Asian American Medical Society



What is psychology and how do scientists study psychology? Well, psychology is the study of the human mind. Why is it important? According to NHS England, about 25% people in the country suffer from mental illness per year. 1 out of 4 people suffer in the country because of mental illness per year! In the world, around 70% of people do not receive medical treatments for mental disorders. Many people just suffer from mental disorders. Therefore, psychologists are very important. To study psychology, many scientists study biology first because the relationship between biology and psychology is crucial. Biology can be used to understand the different actions that people do. It is also the basis of organisms.

Percentage of U.S. population with mental illnesses by age and gender

Importance factors to understand psychology

The central nervous system, the spinal cord and the brain, and the peripheral nervous system, network of neural fibers, are important for psychology. The brain, in particular, is crucial for psychology. It is also the most complex organ in humans’ bodies and is composed of approximately 100 billion cells. Research has shown that psychologists need to understand how the brain works in order to evaluate various emotions and behaviors that others display. The different regions of the brain are associated with different behaviors. For example, the amygdala of the brain is responsible for feelings like fear and the prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision making. Another factor that is the biological basis of behavior is Hormones. Hormones are chemical messages released by different glands in the body and can have significant effects on behavior. For example, testosterone is associated with dominance and aggression in both females and males. In addition, genetics is also a major part of psychology. There are many mental disorders that pass down genetically like ASD (autism spectrum disorder, which is a type of mental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate with others), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is a mental disorder that prevents one from being focused), and bipolar disorder, which is a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in emotions.

Image of the brain

The image shows different sections of the brain and their functions.

Future research required

Although understanding biology concepts is great for psychology, however, there are still uncertain parts that require more investigation. One of them is the lack of biomarkers. Biomarkers are biological molecules that are in the blood or other fluids that are part of the body. Analyzing biomarkers provides information that will help to cure or diagnose mental disorders. If biomarkers can be linked to particular signs or mental illnesses, it will provide a consistent system of diagnosis. A more consistent system can produce conclusive and accurate information of a patient. Another problem that exists right now is analyzing DNA that is associated with mental disorders. Even though there are many methods to isolate genes and analyze them, it is difficult to apply to psychiatric disorders because the locations associated with the disorders are usually unknown. Another technique that requires more research is gene therapy. Gene therapy works by altering or replacing genes that cause illness. However, gene therapy is an invasive and expensive technique and is not approved yet. Gene therapy is also a topic that involves ethics.


In conclusion, biology is important for a psychologist. A psychologist who has a better understanding of biology can have a more in- depth understanding of the causes of emotions and thoughts and can propose a better plan for the patient. As artificial intelligence becomes a more common tool in the future, psychologists can also significantly benefit from AI. AI can help with analyzing patients and analyzing genetics. On the other hand, only understanding Biology is not enough for a psychologist. There are multiple environmental factors that can affect a patient. For example, the family of the patient can easily affect the patient.


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