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Asian American Medical Society

Tagged With "Survive"


How to Survive the Next Pandemic

None of us were ready for the pandemic; Not the government, not the scientists, not you, and not me. Pandemics, such as the one we are currently living through, could lead to weakened economies, closures of schools and business, travel restrictions, and much more. It is understandable that people may become anxious or panic in situations like this. However, we’re here to help! Here are some things you could do to prepare for the next pandemic! Getting yourself ready 1. Keep calm Pandemics...

How to Survive an Apocalypse

After last week’s article about preparing for a pandemic, we have come up with something even more depressing! Behold….. How to prepare for an apocalypse! With this guide, you’d be able to survive in the harshest situations(no guarantees), so buckle up, and start preparing! Preparing in advance Gather enough supplies for 90 days. A major event like this would not be short term, since the whole world would likely be fall apart. However, hopefully, having enough supplies for three months would...

Re: How to Survive an Apocalypse

Great fun article Thomas, although I would suggest actually showing the flashlight rather than concealing it, because many dangerous creatures can be scared of lights, haha

Re: How to Survive an Apocalypse
